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Privacy and Terms


Privacy and terms

Your access to and usage of this website is subject to the “Important Information” notice set out below, Perpetual’s Privacy Notice, and any other statements, disclaimers and other terms and conditions contained on this website (referred to collectively as the “Terms of Use”). By accessing and using this website you agree to be subject to the Terms of Use.

Important information

This website
This website is owned and operated by and on behalf of Perpetual (Asia) Limited and its related bodies corporate (‘Perpetual’).

The use of this website is at your sole risk. While the information is given by Perpetual in good faith, it does not warrant that it is accurate, reliable, complete, or free from error or omission. Subject to any terms implied by statute which cannot be excluded, Perpetual and its directors, employees and associates, do not accept any responsibility for errors in, or omissions from the website. Unless otherwise expressly indicated, copyright of the information on this website is owned by Perpetual.

General information only
The information on this website is of a general nature only and should not be relied upon as it has been prepared without taking account of anyone’s objectives, financial situation or needs. It is not intended to constitute investment, legal or taxation advice as it is of a general nature only. Accordingly, before anyone acts on the information, they should consider its appropriateness with regard to their objectives, financial situation and needs. No person should take any action or refrain from taking any action in reliance upon the contents without first obtaining appropriate independent professional advice.

External links
This website may contain links to other websites operated by parties independent of Perpetual and Perpetual has no control over the information on these sites or the products or services on them, and therefore makes no representations regarding the accuracy or suitability of the information, services, or products described on them.

US persons and the rest of the world
Access to this website from jurisdictions where the content on this website is illegal is prohibited. Access to this website may be restricted by law in certain jurisdictions. This website does not constitute an extension of an offer in the United States of America or to US persons.

Copyright, trademarks and intellectual property rights
The entire content of this website is subject to copyright with all rights reserved and this website or any portion of this website may not otherwise be reproduced, adapted, distributed, displayed, or transmitted to any other person or incorporated in any way into another document or other material, without Perpetual’s express consent.

Perpetual's privacy notice

We are committed to protecting your privacy and safeguarding your financial information.

In accordance with this commitment, the Perpetual’s Privacy Notice provides information about how we will collect, use and disclose your personal information and how we comply with the Personal Data Protection Act 2012.

Additional Website Privacy Information
We only use the information we collect on our sites to make our services the best they can be and to enhance your overall experience. Perpetual will not, unless you consent, sell, trade, rent or otherwise disclose any personally identifiable information obtained from you to a third party.
Perpetual wants you to feel secure in providing to us as much – or as little – personal information as you feel comfortable.


  • You decide what personally identifiable information we collect
  • You decide whether to receive email from Perpetual

This information covers Perpetual’s website only. Once you click a link that goes to a third party’s site, you should consult their privacy policy to identify how they will collect use and disclose your personal information.

What information does Perpetual gather?
Unless you specifically tell us, Perpetual will never know who you are. However, you may elect to tell us things that you want us to remember and if you are comfortable providing us with information about yourself, Perpetual can offer you enhanced services.

Where Perpetual is offering you its products and services we will often require financial information as well as personal information. Unless we advise you at the time of collecting the information, it will not be shared with anyone else.

Perpetual may track traffic patterns through sites
We may use a feature of your browser called a “cookie” to assign a code which identifies your computer to our servers when you visit our site. Cookies, by themselves, cannot be used to find out your identity or the identities of any of our users.

Why does Perpetual collect this information? What for?
Perpetual collects information in order to improve the services we offer you. Through collecting this sort of information Perpetual can tailor information you receive to better suit your needs and provide you with better service and more compelling reasons to come back and visit our sites.

Hence, we may use the information you provide us to provide personalised portions of our sites to you so that you are provided with just the information you are interested in receiving.

Perpetual will analyse what our clients like and don’t like about the content, products and services on Perpetual sites so that we can constantly improve them for your use.

Perpetual may also send you email communications to provide information which we think you will find useful, including information about Perpetual’s new products and services. Perpetual will only send email to clients who give us permission to do so. In each email we send, instructions are provided on how you may unsubscribe from the email list and avoid receiving further emails if that is your choice.

Your consent
By using Perpetual’s site(s), you consent to the collection and use by Perpetual of information. We will ensure that any changes to our privacy policy are placed on these pages, so that you can always check the types of information Perpetual collects from you and how we use it.


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